To move in order to be successful in money matters, we need a strong Motivation, steel, irresistible will and desire, only forward. If a Person set out to catch the wave of financial wellbeing, then it is necessary, useful talismans to attract money and good luck. Not in vain in the East, used as magnets for the attraction of financial health. Of course, you can also reach the own work, but a bit of happiness in the material aspect does not hurt. The most important requirement is to have the mascot actually drew live in prosperity – is that truly believe in the power of this thing.

Talismans to attract money: photo and description
There are different amulets to win money. Some of them you can buy in the shops of the esoteric and the Eastern culture. Talismans differ also according to the method of application. Some of them you carry in your wallet or a pocket for the money in the bag, the other stationary in the housing, in which the role of the magnets for the material of the family well-being.
Irredeemable Sham
The easiest Talisman to win money – Irredeemable sham. The greater you will attract the denomination, the larger the profit you. A statement that as a result of the transaction, wage, or fee. The best Option is the amount donated along with the money exchange. Because empty it is not customary to give. Bank notes of as large a denomination separated in the wallet, from the main mass of the medium. However, it is desirable, that you could see.
This should be on the growing or young moon. This is the money better, before your light, so that it can again the strong energy. And, of course, it is not important, the main condition – not to change the glow, no matter what the circumstances caught up with you.
The slip with the code number
You also have the option to create as a mascot in order to win money from the obtained wage. Must choose the whole Heap, bill, cipher, and Code identical to the first letter of your name and the date of birth. To find a suitable inscription difficult. Therefore, it is in order and partial similarity. More about libellum should be a magic Ritual to produce, which gives you a powerful charge of energy.
To do this, it is necessary to bergamot oil, then turn into a tube and tie the thread in green, and the ends of the tie three times. Inside should be dry Salvia and seal it on both sides molten green wax. The resulting mascot, to hide safely hidden from prying eyes in need of in a secluded place.
Feng Shui and money

Becoming more and more popular amulets, and talismans to attract money, borrowed from the hair dryer-shuj. Their diversity helps to select a suitable Option. FR apply to the attraction of riches:
- 3 Golden coins with a hole in the middle, like a red thread. You can wear these, or both, in the financial sector of the house;
- Figures in the Form of tenens tres tripodes toads, which on the coins, grizzled monk in khotey, sitting with a bag of wealth and wisdom, as well as sailing boat, in the middle of the room;
- Decorative fountain or a miniature waterfall, the Symbol of the cycle of Finance;
- the tree on which instead of the leaves, the coins grow;
- Aquarium with gold fish.
Color and money
It is also true that the clothes and the accessories of pink, green, Gold and black are the magnets, in order to win money. These shades are often used in the interior of the Zone, for the prosperity of the family.
You do yourself an amulet
If you have decided to produce a mascot for the attraction of money with his hands, he is already at the beginning of satura tioribus your energy. It is reinforced magnetic properties, the effective of the financial Stream to pull in the life of the people. In General, only be made personally and with their own hands mascot, with all the necessary rituals, ensure that it really works. Amulet bought in a store, it is the usual Souvenirs, non-structural no absolute energy potential.
In order to make mascot in order to win money, you will need: a candle of green wax, the same square from the same Material, tablecloth red, eucalyptus leaf, metal coin, the largest denomination, and the oil of bergamot.
How to create a mascot
- The Ritual of committing to the attraction of money is recommended on Thursday, when the moon is in the waxing Phase.
- When the clock shows midnight, you should be a tablecloth and light a candle before you place the cut of the fabric.
- In the middle you put the eucalyptus, the placed coin.
- After that, you take the table cloth and focus. In spite of the coin, should inténde in the minds of the desired amount of money.
- More eucalyptus leaf along with denarium on the fabric load and say 3 times magic money get, so be it, as it wants to. Then roll out the envelope and always have it with you.
You can also make mascot in order to win money for the house, in the budget, mend never holes. A variant of the bag fits. You have a small piece of cloth. With a yarn needle and sew this simple bag.
In it you place the coins of kopeck to the ruble, asperget eucalyptus oil. To the bag after filling, tie the red thread and arrange them in a secluded place, where nobody can see. Produce a similar Ritual must also be on Thursday. More a week is necessary to be a mascot get it and keep it simple in the hands, not opening. So he will be nourished, your energy, and bring good luck. Not the making of this mascot for someone. No value, and magnetism does not have such a thing.
Effective mascot for the attraction of money in the wallet matched somewhere a coin, with the exception of the intersection. Midnight on the moon (preferably on Thursday) has to light the candle. Thus it is necessary to repeat 7 times the following words: "the coin loqui, to bring her happiness. The Rest find their way to me, and yourself. My words are strong, fire-annealed Yes by faith!" After he let the candle remain and ardet ex. Coin-for good luck, always wear with it in the wallet.

There are also ready-made talismans to attract money. This coin through the opening in the amet Silken red thread or ribbon. A similar mascot is working in several directions at once. Red stimulates the flow of energy, the coins are a Magnet for money. This mascot is versatile and has a great power. You can wear it always, for example, in your wallet, or put it in a remote and inaccessible place for strangers eyes at work or at home.
If you have decided that the mascot is the best for him is best in your house, then you would be a textile jacket. You can put them under the pot where the flower grows. The bigger he gets, the stronger the effect of the mascot on your financial Situation. Only to him should be an eye from time to time, there is an exchange of energy.
Keys and runes
Mascot for the attraction of money may be in the Form of a key from the Safe, Cabinet, or drawer, where to put your resources. If you carry it with you always, thus, the energetic connection, and that is the head of the monetary potential, in the apartment. In the handbag and the runes, the financial shaft, Othel and as a synonym for wealth. You can create self-fabric, leather, or wood. Then put in a transparent Department of the purse.
The money came exactly...
In addition, there are talismans to attract money, there is still a list of recommendations that can be used as a sign. For example, the crumbs to sweep off the table with the empty Hand, count the money, after sunset, in the evening, the garbage, to transfer beyond the threshold, the non-dormant medium, you should remove at regular intervals to re-calculate and, of course, add. The best storehouse of Finance and the Bank of course. But if you trust more on the own Geocache – the way it should be.

To the General rules that apply to attracting money:
- the money that you have borrowed, you should have to Bank notes with smaller face value, and only on the growing moon and are calculated on decrescentes;
- New moon also on the wallet and the coins will ring to alert you to increase along with it, and income;
- take cash should with joy and give away without regret;
- the bills folded and tidy condition to leave, usually in a way that you wanted to be with you, need to keep;
- Wallet we recommend purchasing the red, black, Golden, or dark green;
- do not keep small change and paper money in one compartment. No matter whether it's the favorite handbag, if it is shabby, is it worth it to update immediately.
And finally, the money comes to those you love.